Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Science in Early Childhood Education - 3184 Words

Pass Name: Ngatokorua Maxwell Student ID: 481 Course: Early Childhood Research (Upgrade NZTC) Course Code: B411a Science in Early Childhood Education This research focuses on science in early childhood education, because as an educator I have always had an interest in science and I often wonder whether I am teaching this topic effectively and correctly for the children. I will define ‘What is science? And I will use a minimum of six articles relating to my topic. What is Science? Duschl, Schweingruber, Shouse, defines science, Science is both a body of knowledge that represents current understanding of natural systems and the process whereby that body of knowledge has been established and is continually extended, refined, and†¦show more content†¦In Te Whariki (Ministry of Education [MOE], 1996), it is reported that science creates opportunities for children to learn strategies for active investigation, thinking and reasoning (p 98). Children are naturally scientists† is one we hear often. There curiosity and need to make the world a more predictable place certainly drives them to explore and draw conclusions and theories from their experiences. Kilmer Hofman (1995, p 44), cited in Eliason Jenkins (1999, p 263), stated the benefits of science for young children include the promotion of intellectual growth, greater potential for success in school, and opportunities for development. Science in early childhood education for young children should be encouraged to develop them as they participate in science. Therefore, children need guidance and structure to turn their natural curiosity and activity into something more scienctific. They need to practice science – to engage in rich scientific inquiry. Scientific inquiry provides the opportunity for children to develop a range of skills, for example; explore objects, materials, and events, describe (including shape, size, number), identify patterns, share and discuss ideas and listen to new perspectives. 4 Name: Ngatokorua Maxwell Student ID: 481 Course: Early Childhood Research (Upgrade NZTC) Course Code: B411a Our practice of science that will guide us how we approach science in theShow MoreRelatedImportance of Play1008 Words   |  5 Pages The Importance of Play ECE 430 Early Childhood Education Capstone Prof. Sublette Jennifer Bentley November 28, 2011 The Importance of Play Play is one aspect that is common in every child’s life. The importance of play for children is huge. It is so much more than a recreational activity for them. Play is essential for children; it contributes to healthy child development cognitively, socially, and physically (McFadden, 2010). 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